These are all my papers with downloadable copies (see also Google Scholar)
Barak Libai, Ana Babić Rosario, Maximilian Beichert, Bas Donkers, Michael Haenlein, Reto Hofstetter, P. K. Kannan, Ralf van der Lans, Andreas Lanz, Alice Li, Dina Mayzlin, Eitan Muller, Daniel Shapira, Jeremy Yang, and Lingling Zhang (2025), "Influencer Marketing Unlocked: Understanding the Value Chains Driving the Creator Economy," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming. Read Paper.
On mobile games: The figure shows the number of active users of a casual mobile games: It is typical of casual games where only about a quarter of players are still active in two months.
This alarming decline could be explained both
in the difficulty in retaining users who did not pay to download the game (or made in-app purchases) and the satiation which characterizes mobile games.
Further readings:
Michael Haenlein, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller, (2023), "Satiation and Cross Promotion: Selling and Swapping Users in Mobile Games," International Journal of Research on Marketing, 40, pp. 342-361. Read paper.

Eyal Biyalogorsky, Amir Heiman and Eitan Muller (2022), "The Differential Effects of Time and Usage on the Brand Premiums of Automobiles," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39, pp. 212-226. Read Paper.
Gil Appel and Eitan Muller (2021), "Adoption Patterns over Time: A Replication," Marketing Letters, 32, pp. 499-511. Read paper.
Eitan Muller (2020), "Delimiting Disruption: Why Uber is Disruptive, but Airbnb is Not," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37, pp. 43-55. Read paper.
Masakazu Ishihara and Eitan Muller (2020), "Software Piracy and Outsourcing in Two-Sided Markets," Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 18, pp. 61–124. Read paper.
Gil Appel, Barak Libai, Eitan Muller and Roni Shachar (2020), "On the Monetization of Mobile Apps," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37, pp. 93-107. Read paper, and web appendix.
Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2019), "The Effect of Social Networks Structure on Innovation Performance: A Review and Directions for Research," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36, pp. 3-19. Read paper.
Daria Dzyabura, Srikanth Jagabathula and Eitan Muller (2019), "Accounting for Discrepancies between Online and Offline Product Evaluations," Marketing Science, 38, pp. 88-106. Read paper.
Gil Appel, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2018), "On the Monetary Impact of Fashion Design Piracy," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35, pp. 591-610. Read paper.
Gadi Fibich, Roy Klein, Oded Koenigsberg and Eitan Muller (2017), "Optimal Three-Part Tariff Plans," Operations Research, 65, pp. 1177-1189. Read paper, and web appendix.
Sarit Moldovan, Eitan Muller, Yossi Richter and Elad Yom-Tov (2017), "Opinion Leadership in Small Groups," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34, pp. 536-552. Read paper.
Coby Morvinski, On Amir and Eitan Muller (2017), "Ten Million Readers Can’t Be Wrong! Or Can They? On the Role of Information about Adoption Stock in New Product Trial," Marketing Science, 36, pp. 290-300. Read paper,
and web appendix.
Barak Libai, Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2013), "Decomposing the Value of Word-of-Mouth Seeding Programs: Acceleration vs. Expansion," Journal of Marketing Research, 50, pp. 161-176. Read paper, and web appendix.
George Hadjinicola, Christakis Charalambous and Eitan Muller (2013), "Product Positioning Using a Self-Organizing Map and the Rings of Influence," Decision Sciences, 44, pp. 431-461. Read paper.
Renana Peres, Eitan Muller and Vijay Mahajan (2010), "Innovation Diffusion and New Product Growth: A Critical Review and Research Directions," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27, pp. 91-106. Read paper.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai, Eitan Muller and Stefan Stremersch (2010), "The Evolving Social Network of Marketing Scholars," Marketing Science, 29, pp. 561-567. Read paper.
Stefan Stremersch, Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2010), "Does New Product Growth Accelerate across Technology Generations?" Marketing Letters, 21, pp. 103-120. Read paper.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2010), "The Chilling Effects of Network Externalities," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27, pp. 4-15. Read paper.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2010), "The Chilling Effects of Network Externalities: Perspectives and Conclusions," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27, pp. 22-24. Read paper.
Barak Libai, Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2009), "The Role of Within-Brand and Cross-Brand Communications in Competitive Growth," Journal of Marketing, 73, pp. 19-34. Read paper, and web appendix.
Barak Libai, Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2009), "The Diffusion of Services," Journal of Marketing Research, 46, pp.163-175. Read paper, and web appendix.
Oded Koenigsberg, Eitan Muller and Naufel Vilcassim (2008), "EasyJet Pricing Strategy: Should Low-Fare Airlines Offer Last-Minute Deals?" Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 6, pp. 279-297. Read paper, and web appendix.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai, Sarit Moldovan and Eitan Muller (2007), "The NPV of Bad News," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24, pp.186-200. Read paper.
Eitan Muller and Guy Yogev (2006), "When Does the Majority Become a Majority? Empirical Analysis of the Time at which Main Market Adopters Purchase the Bulk of our Sales," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 73, pp. 1107-1120. Read paper.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai, Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2006), "Blazing Saddles: Early and Main Markets in the Product Life Cycle in Hi-Tech Industries," The Economic Quarterly, 53, pp. 249-271. Read paper.
Barak Libai, Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2005), "The Role of Seeding in Multi-Market Entry," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 22, pp.375-393. Read paper.
Tal Garber, Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2004), "From Density to Destiny: Using Spatial Dimension of Sales Data for Early Prediction of New Product Success," Marketing Science, 23, pp. 419-429. Read paper.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2002), "Riding the Saddle: How Cross-Market Communications Can Create a Major Slump in Sales," Journal of Marketing, 66, pp.1-16. Read paper.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2001), "Using Complex Systems Analysis to Advance Marketing Theory Development: Modeling Heterogeneity Effects on New Product Growth through Stochastic Cellular Automata" Academy of Marketing Science Review, [Online] 01 (9), special issue on Emergent and Co-evolutionary Processes in Marketing. Read paper.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2001), "Talk of the Network: A Complex Systems Look at the Underlying Process of Word-of-Mouth," Marketing Letters, 12, pp. 209-221. Read paper.
R. Venkatesh, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (2000), "Dynamic Co-Marketing Alliances: When and Why Do They Succeed or Fail?" International Journal of Research in Marketing, 17, pp. 1-31. Read paper.
Dipak Jain, Eitan Muller and Naufel Vilcassim (1999), "Pricing Patterns of Cellular Phones and Phonecalls: A Segment-Level Analysis," Management Science, 45, pp. 131-141. Read paper.
Eitan Muller (1999), "Exclusive Vertical Agreements and Horizontal Competition in the Israeli Petrol Retail Market," The Economic Quarterly, 46, pp. 49-61. Read paper.
Eitan Muller and Jonathan Shimshoni (1998), "The Amos Satellite: The Effects of the Allocation of the Satellite's Costs Among Israel's Cable TV Companies on the Profitability of Rural Coverage by the Satellite," The Economic Quarterly, 45, pp. 371-385. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1998), "When is it Worthwhile Targeting the Majority Instead of the Innovators in a New Product Launch?" Journal of Marketing Research, 35, pp. 488-495. Read paper.
Moshe Givon, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1997), "Assessing the Relationship between User-Based Market Share and Unit Sales-Based Market Share for Pirated Software Brands in Competitive Markets," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 55, pp. 131-144. Read paper.
Amir Heiman and Eitan Muller (1996), "Using Demonstration to Increase New Product Acceptance: Controlling Demonstration Time," Journal of Marketing Research, 33, pp. 1-11. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1996), "Timing, Diffusion and Substitution of Successive Generations of Technological Innovations: the IBM Mainframe Case," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 51, pp. 109-132. Read paper.
Raphael Amit and Eitan Muller (1995), ""Push" and "Pull" Entrepreneurship," Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 12, pp. 64-80. Read paper.
Dipak Jain, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1995), "An Approach for Determining Optimal Product Sampling for the Diffusion of a New Product," Journal of Product Innovation Management, 12, pp. 124-135. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller and Frank Bass (1995), "Diffusion of New Products: Empirical Generalizations and Managerial Uses," Marketing Science, Special Issue on Empirical Generalization, 14, pp. 79-88. Read paper.
Shlomo Kalish, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1995), "Waterfall and Sprinkler New-Product Strategies in Competitive Global Markets," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 12, pp. 105-119. Read paper.
Raphael Amit, Eitan Muller and Iain Cockburn (1995), "Opportunity Cost and Entrepreneurial Activity," Journal of Business Venturing, 10, pp. 95-106. Read paper.
Moshe Givon, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1995), "Software Piracy: Estimation of Lost Sales and the Impact on Software Diffusion," Journal of Marketing, 59, pp. 29-37. Read paper.
Moshe Givon and Eitan Muller (1994), "Cyclical Patterns in Brand Switching Behavior: An Issue of Pattern Recognition," European Journal of Operational Research, 76, pp. 290-297. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1994), "Innovation Diffusion in a Borderless Global Market: Will the 1992 Unification of the European Community Accelerate Diffusion of New Ideas, Products and Technologies?" Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 45, pp. 221-235. Read paper.
Chaim Fershtman and Eitan Muller (1993), "The Benefits of Being Small: Duopolistic Competition with Market Segmentation," Review of Industrial Organization, pp. 101-111. Read paper.
Raphael Amit, Lawrence Glosten and Eitan Muller (1993), "Challenges to Theory Development in Entrepreneurship Research," Journal of Management Studies, 30, pp. 815-834. Read paper.
Morton Kamien, Eitan Muller and Israel Zang (1992), "Research Joint Venture and R&D Cartels," American Economic Review, 82, pp. 1293-1306. Read paper.
Chaim Fershtman, Morton Kamien and Eitan Muller (1992), "Integral Games: Theory and Applications," in Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control, Gustav Feichtinger (ed.), Amsterdam, North Holland, pp. 297-311. Read paper.
Yoram Landskroner, Eitan Muller and Itzhak Swary (1991), "Tax Evasion and Financial Equilibrium," Journal of Economics and Business, 43, pp. 25-35. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1991), "Pricing and Diffusion of Primary and Contingent Products," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 39, pp. 291-308. Read paper.
Dipak Jain, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1991), "Innovation Diffusion in the Presence of Supply Restrictions," Marketing Science, 10, pp. 83-90. Read paper.
Raphael Amit, Lawrence Glosten and Eitan Muller (1990), "Entrepreneurial Ability, Venture Investments, and Risk Sharing," Management Science, 36, pp. 1232-1245. Read paper.
Chaim Fershtman, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1990), "Market Share Pioneering Advantage: A Theoretical Approach," Management Science, 36, pp. 900-918. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller and Frank Bass (1990), "New Product Diffusion Models in Marketing, a Review and Directions for Research," Journal of Marketing, 54, pp. 1-26. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller and Rajendra Srivastava (1990), "Determination of Adopter Categories Using Innovation Diffusion Models," Journal of Marketing Research, 27, pp. 37-50. Read paper.
Eitan Muller and Yoram Peles (1990), "Optimal Dynamic Durability," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 14, pp. 328-339. Read paper.
Raphael Amit, Lawrence Glosten and Eitan Muller (1990), "Does Venture Capital Foster the Most Promising Entrepreneurial Firms?" California Management Review, 32, pp. 102-111. Read paper.
Eitan Muller and Yoram Peles (1988), "The Dynamic Adjustment of Optimal Durability and Quality," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 6, pp. 499-507. Read paper.
Chaim Fershtman and Eitan Muller (1986), "Turnpike Properties of Capital Accumulation Games," Journal of Economic Theory, 38, pp. 167-177. Read paper.
Morton Kamien and Eitan Muller (1986), "Characterization of Constant Policies in Optimal Control," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 48, pp. 315-324. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1986), "Advertising Pulsing Policies for Generating Awareness for New Products," Marketing Science, 5, pp. 89-106. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1986), "Reflections on Advertising Pulsing Policies for Generating Awareness for New Products," Marketing Science, 5, pp. 110-111. Read paper.
Chaim Fershtman and Eitan Muller (1986), "Capital Investments and Price Agreements in Semicollusive Markets," Rand Journal of Economics, 17, pp. 214-226. Read paper.
Eitan Muller and Mark A. Satterthwaite (1985), "Strategy Proofness: The Existence of Dominant‑Strategy Mechanisms,"
a chapter in: Social Goals and Social Organization, Essays in memory of Elisha Pazner, Leonid Hurwicz, David Schmeidler and Hugo Sonnenschein (eds.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 131‑171. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller and Subash Sharma (1984), "An Empirical Comparison of Awareness Forecasting Models of New Product Introduction," Marketing Science, 3, pp. 179-197. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller and Subash Sharma (1984), "Reflections on Awareness Forecasting Models of New Product Introduction," Marketing Science, 3, pp. 205-206. Read paper.
Chaim Fershtman and Eitan Muller (1984), "Capital Accumulation Games of Infinite Duration," Journal of Economic Theory, 33, pp. 322-339. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller and Roger Kerin (1984), "Introduction Strategy for New Products with Positive and Negative Word of Mouth," Management Science, 30, pp. 1389-1404. Read paper.
Douglas Blair and Eitan Muller (1983), "Essential Aggregation Procedures and Restricted Domain of Preferences," Journal of Economic Theory, 30, pp. 34-53. Read paper.
Eitan Muller (1983), "Trial/Awareness Advertising Decisions: A Control Problem with Phase Diagram with Nonstationary Boundaries," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 6, pp. 333-350. Read paper.
Christopher Easingwood, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1983), "A Non-Uniform Influence Innovation Diffusion Model of New Product Acceptance," Marketing Science, 2, pp. 273-295. Read paper.
Eitan Muller (1982), "Stability of Aggregation Procedures, Ultrafilters and Simple Games: A Comment," Econometrica, 50, pp. 1335-1336. Read paper.
Eitan Muller (1982), "On the Existence of an Arrow and a Bergson-Samuelson Social Welfare Function," Mathematical Social Sciences, 2, pp. 1-7. Read paper.
Eitan Muller (1982), "Graphs and Anonymous Social Welfare Functions," International Economic Review, 23, 1982, pp. 609-622. Read paper.
Christopher Easingwood, Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1981), "A Nonsymmetric Responding Logistic Model for Forecasting Technological Substitution," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 20, pp. 199-213. Read paper.
Simon Benninga and Eitan Muller (1981), "Majority Choice and the Objective Function of the Firm under Uncertainty, Reply," Bell Journal of Economics, 12, pp. 338-339. Read paper.
Vijay Mahajan and Eitan Muller (1979), "Innovation Diffusion and New Product Growth Models in Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 43, pp. 55-68. Read paper.
Ehud Kalai, Eitan Muller and Mark Satterthwaite (1979), "Social Welfare Functions when Preferences are Convex, Strictly Monotonic, and Continuous," Public Choice, 34, pp. 87-97. Read paper.
Simon Benninga and Eitan Muller (1979), "Majority Choice and the Objective Function of the Firm under Uncertainty," Bell Journal of Economics, 10, pp. 670-682. Read paper.
Joe Dodson and Eitan Muller (1978), "Models of New Product Diffusion through Advertising and Word of Mouth," Management Science, 24, pp. 568-578. Read paper.
Eitan Muller and Mark A. Satterthwaite (1977), "The Equivalence of Strong Positive Association and Strategy Proofness," Journal of Economic Theory, 14, pp. 412-418. Read paper.
Ehud Kalai and Eitan Muller (1977), "Characterizations of Domains Admitting Nondictatorial Social Welfare Functions and Nonmanipulable Voting Procedures," Journal of Economic Theory, 16, pp. 457-469. Read paper.
Morton Kamien and Eitan Muller (1976), "Optimal Control with Integral State Equation," Review of Economic Studies, 43, pp. 469-473. Read paper.