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Below are short descriptive reviews of my books, as well as their web-pages 




















Innovation Equity: Assessing and managing the monetary value of new products and services 

co-authored with Elie Ofek and Barak Libai, University of Chicago Press, 2016. Book pages at UC Press and Amazon. 


American Marketing Association: Berry - AMA Book Prize Award (finalist)


See also out web companion page at:


创新的 价值 - translation of Innovation Equity into Chinese, by CITIC Press, is available at Baidu.


Watch Elie Ofek's webinar presentation of our book














Review by Katherine Lemon, Boston College, Carroll School of Management, Executive Director of the Marketing Science Institute: “Ofek, Muller, and Libai have provided a user-friendly, powerful approach that effectively puts a monetary value on innovations. By combining key insights on how new innovations are adopted with how customer relationships develop and create value for firms, the authors have come upon a winning combination to fuel growth. Whether you lead the marketing efforts, the R&D efforts, finance, or the entire company, you need to read this book.”


Review by Russ Winer, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University: “In taking a practical look at how managers can use diffusion of innovations modeling, the authors have themselves taken an innovative perspective by merging that work with lifetime customer value research. The result is a book that is both easy to read and rigorous with many examples and tips on how to implement their ideas. This book should be on every manager’s shelf.”


Innovation Diffusion and New Product Growth 

co-authored with Renana Peres and Vijay Mahajan, Marketing Science Institute, 2009. Book page at Amazon.


Review by Gerard Tellis, Professor of Marketing and Director of the Center for Global Innovation, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California: "This is a comprehensive review and insightful classification of the broad literature on diffusion of new products; it constitutes a valuable resource for the novice, researcher, and manager." 


Review by Jeffrey Hartley, Technical Director, Global Consumer and Product Research, General Motors Corporation: "I was amazed at how much is known about the diffusion of innovations, given the vast complexities of markets and social networks. This book does a wonderful job of laying out the framework and current knowledge." 



New Product Diffusion Models 

co-authored with Vijay Mahajan and Jerry Wind, Springer Science, 2000. Book pages at Springer and Amazon. 


The book is useful for researchers and students in marketing and technological forecasting, as well as those in other allied disciplines who study relevant aspects of innovation diffusion. Practitioners in high-tech and consumer durable industries should also gain new insights from New Product Diffusion Models. 


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